
The latest procedures for endorsement of the Preferential Certificate of Origin (PCO) under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) schemes during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period that will take effect from 4 May 2020.

Please be informed that the MAQIS has agreed to implement the limit of items to 50 items for each permit application. This implementation is only for MAQIS / DOA (Export) application effective on 1st May 2020.


Following the extension of Movement Control Order (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) nationwide, we would like to announce that our office premises will remain closed until 12 May 2020.

Please to informed that the implementation of Registered Exporters (REX) System under Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Norway and Switzerland will commence effective on 1st July 2020.


In line with the latest extension of the Movement Control Order (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) nationwide, we would like to announce that our office premises will remain closed until 28 April 2020.

Effective from 13 April 2020, exporters will no longer need to be physically present at the MITI Service Counter for manual endorsement of the PCO as it will be done electronicall

Please be informed that for any transit or transhipment activities via our country there is a requirement for Country of Origin to submit a permission letter effective 3 April 2020

MITI has introduced an alternative way for Malaysian companies to seek endorsement of Certificate of Origin (CO) under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) schemes (Other than ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement – ATIGA) during the Movement Control Order period from 30 March 2020 to 14 April 2020.

The service counter at Menara MITI and its state offices will be temporarily closed to public during the MCO period effective 30 March 2020.