TradeSwift DAGANGNET is a comprehensive solution to complement our existing services to streamline your business operations. Designed to be a one-stop centre for all logistics and cross-border trade services, the SuperApp provides value-added features in addition to Dagang Net’s web-based eServices for trade facilitation including those offered via the National Single Window ("NSW") for Trade Facilitation.
Designed to be a one-stop centre for all logistics and cross-border trade services, the SuperApp provides value-added features in addition to the company's web-based eServices for trade facilitation including those offered via the National Single Window ("NSW") for Trade Facilitation.
Available features of TradeSwift DAGANGNET :
· Track & Trace
-Transaction Status of NSW services
· Automated Alerts Notification
- Permit & Cost Analysis Validity alert 90 days in advance, Lapsed Payment alert 14 days in advance & Late Payment Alert Notification.
· Announcement
· Trade References Enquiry
-Tariff Code; Location Code; Packaging and Measurement Codes; SMK Error Code
· Integrated Payment
Priced at RM28 monthly, users can enjoy the benefit of managing their trade transactions from anywhere, anytime with maximum efficiency.
Grab the opportunity to use the SuperApp now and also look out for our new additional enhancements:
· Tariff Intelligence
· Booking Management
· Business Analytics
· Dashboard Reporting
· Authority Appointment
· Advance Track & Trace
· Warehouse Insights
Download Now and trade with ease